Saturday, 6 August 2011

Day 1: 13 Down, Many, Many More To Go

Began the adventure today and what happens? It rains. On the day I forget my jacket. Of course.

Started off my day in the nice, indoor, venue of Prince’s Mall where I went for some lunch. I’ve never seen the place so packed so I was left wandering about with my food tray, on my own, looking a bit daft, for a good 15 minutes looking for a seat. Unfortunately there were no shows on or anywhere that served Deuchars so I had to move on fairly swiftly!

I then moved on to the venues around Prince’s Street, George Street and Queen Street only going for a quick visit as most were not licensed to sell alcohol. Satisfied with reaching 13 venues, I decided to head along Prince’s Street and up towards the Oxford Bar, which even though it isn’t a venue, is the favourite pub of author Iain Rankin and of the main character in his book, Inspector Rebus, for a pint of Deuchars. I can see why Rankin enjoys it here, a great pub that serves a cracking pint.

I decided to call it a day after that since I didn’t fancy getting much colder and wetter than I already was. Still managed to witness a man standing upside down with his head in a bucket, three human statues and a chap on a bicycle, smoking a cigar, with a dog in the front basket on my short walk to the station Only at the Fringe.

Till next time,


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