Wednesday, 10 August 2011

The Lion Whisperer

Milton Jones: The Lion Whisperer. Wow. Probably the funniest hour I have sat through for a long time, I was in fits of laughter for almost the whole show. He is at the Assembly Hall (venue number 35) and is only here till the 11th so I urge you to get tickets for him, well worth it, especially if you are in the front row like I was.  It was here I met a young man called Brian who had travelled down from Wick and had an exam at nearby Heriot Watt University, and had travelled down 2 days early just to watch Jones. As we stood in the huge queue together we got chatting and bought each other a pint of Deuchars and shared some banter.
I'm on the right, Brian is left.

I managed to squeeze in another 27 venues today, taking the total up to 62, including venue number 162 ‘Sin Club and Lounge’. It was here I caught a free magic show ‘Young and Strange’ in the small, but cosy, main room. This was a very entertaining show and definitely worth a wee visit.

On my quest for the perfect pint, I stumbled across ‘The Beehive Inn’ (venue 178) down in the Grassmarket. There were no shows on whilst I was there so I headed out with my pint to the fantastic beer garden hidden outside, and thoroughly enjoyed my drink in the peace and quiet with the castle looming over my head.

Today I plan to visit the west end of Prince’s Street and see what shows I can find there, and whether or not the perfect pint of Deuchars lies in this area of town.


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